
サンプルデバイダ PT 100





サンプルディバイダ PT 100

PT 100 drive unit
(please order vibratory feeder, feeding kit, dividing head and sample bottles separately)
PT 100 本体100–240 V, 50/60 Hz 

分割ヘッド 最大粒径 10 mm

42.793.0003Dividing head of aluminum hard anodized, GL 55 thread
with 6 quick-release sample outlets
42.793.0001Dividing head of aluminum hard anodized, GL 55 thread
with 8 quick-release sample outlets
42.793.0002Dividing head of aluminum hard anodized, GL 55 thread
with 10 quick-release sample outlets
42.793.0007Dividing head of POM, GL 55 thread
with 8 quick-release sample outlets
22.523.0001Sample bottles, GL 55 thread, 250 ml, 10 pieces
22.523.0002Sample bottles, GL 55 thread, 500 ml, 10 pieces

分割ヘッド 最大粒径 5 mm

42.793.0009Dividing head of aluminum hard anodized, GL 45 thread
with 8 quick-release sample outlets
22.523.0003Duran laboratory bottles, GL 45 thread, 100 ml, 10 pieces
for dividing head 42.793.0009
22.523.0004Duran laboratory bottles, GL 45 thread, 250 ml, 10 pieces
for dividing head 42.793.0009
22.523.0005Duran laboratory bottles, GL 45 thread, 500 ml, 10 pieces
for dividing head 42.793.0009
42.018.0001Support with beakers 30 ml and lids
for dividing head 42.793.0009
05.068.0005広口ビン 蓋付 30 ml 10 本組

Accessories PT 100

03.785.0146ホッパー ステンレス製 容量 2.8 L (DR100を使用せずPT100を使用する場合必要)
03.742.0013ほこり保護用カップ ホッパー用 POM製
99.200.0015IQ/OQ 検査書 PT 100

Vibratory Feeder DR 100 for PT 100

DR 100 本体 (フィーダキットは含まれません)
DR 100 本体100V, 50 Hz 
DR 100 本体100V, 60 Hz 
72.020.0021Feeding kit DR 100-75/40 for PT 100,
incl. push-fit feed chute 75/40 mm, holder for push-fit feed chute,
hopper 3.5 litres, fixture for hopper and stand with data cable
