

ホワイトペーパー (1)

  • White Paper. Different sieving methods for a variety of applications

    The determination and knowledge of the particle size distribution is an essential part of the quality control process for industrial products. Easy handling, low investment cost and high accuracy make sieve analysis one of the most frequently used procedures for measuring the particle size. This white paper gives an overview of the different sieving techniques and describes the necessary steps to ensure reliable results.

アプリケーションレポート (20)

  • カカオ畑から板チョコへ

    カカオの実からチョコレートになるまでは、長 い工程を経ます。収穫、醗酵、乾燥、洗浄、焙 煎、摩砕、そしてさらにそのカカオ片を粉砕し て、カカオ粉とカカオバターからなる濃縮液と なり、最終的にプレス成形されます。その間、 それぞれの工程で品質が管理されています。製 品に有害物質(カビや重金属)が含まれていな いか、また、成分(油脂や炭水化物)を検査す るだけでなく、ココアの滑らかさを見るために 適切な粒度にまで細かく粉砕されているかどう かまで検査します。人間の味覚は30μm以下 の小さい粒子を好むので、粒度もまた重要な要 素なのです。
  • カッティングミルSM300伝統からの革新

  • クライオミルを使った揮発性物質を含んだ試料の粉砕

  • シリアルバーの成分分析

  • ナッツ類のマイコトキシン検査

    マイコトキシンはカビの代謝産物の一種で、人間や動物に有害な影響を与えます。マイコトキシンを代謝するカビ類は身の周りのいたるところに存在していま す。マイコトキシンの一種のアフラトキシンは、発癌性がきわめて高い危険なものであることがわかっています。特に、ドライフルーツ、香辛料、ナッツ(ピー ナッツ、ヘーゼルナッツ、ピスタチオ)や穀類(小麦、トウモロコシ)などの食品は、真菌感染によるアフラトキシン汚染の危険性があります。
  • 再生可能なエネルギー

    営林作業や木材加工で生じた廃材は木材チッ プに加工されますが、木や樹皮の種類、残留 水分などによって、様々な用途に使用されま す。チップボードの原料やきのこ類のほだ木 などはその一例ですが、主に燃料として利用 されます。木材チップの品質は、樹木の種類 や保管状態によって大きく異なります。燃料 として商取引する場合、乾燥状態と含水量に よって違う発熱量の把握が重要になります。 そこでサンプルの分析結果が大切な取引条件 になるため、代表性と再現性のある試料調製 が必要です。
  • 増加する再生可能エネルギー粉砕機を用いた植物性原料のサンプル調製

    Sample preparation of vegetable-based raw materials with laboratory mills. Thanks to the increasing usage of biomass as a source of energy, the analysis of these materials in the context of R&D and quality control gains importance, too. Due to the complex properties of plant materials, adequate sample preparation can be rather a challenge.
  • 注目される資源の再生

    植物の代表サンプル作成には経験が必要 切迫した原料不足を背景に産業界は、再生可能な資源の利用技術開発に注力しています。その中でも様々な植物は繊維、顔料、医薬品、燃料、油脂および緩衝材の原料として脚光を浴びています。しかし、植物はその複雑な組成や成分のため、分析用の試料調製が困難なもののひとつです。予備粉砕から微粉砕までの最適な粉砕方法を見つけ出すのは簡単なことではなく、経験とノウハウが必要です。
  • 生体試料中の有害物質の分析

    凍結粉砕で生物試料の調製が容易になります。 動植物は環境汚染の度合いを測るうえで信頼できる指標です。したがって環境分析の最も重要な手段のひとつとして、生体試料中の有毒物質の分析があります。レッチェ社の粉砕機は試料の特質や成分を損なうことなく調製できるので、世界中の環境分析機関で活躍しています。ここでは、テキサスの微量元素研究所とオタワの国立カナダ野生生物研究所の2件をご紹介します。
  • 食品・飼料の肥質分析

  • Air Jet Sieving of Bulk Materials

    Particle size analysis and particle size distribution are important criteria for the quality control of bulk materials. In a running production process, the results of a quality check must be available quickly to allow for immediate adjustment of the production parameters. Depending on the expected particle size and sample volume, different sieving methods and sieving machines are suitable for analysis. The method used for particle size analysis is primarily determined by the fineness of the material to be sieved. For dry sieving of samples with particle sizes below 40 microns, air jet sieving is the method of choice.
  • Genetically modified organisms (GMO) - detection in food and feed samples

    Genetic engineering opens up new possibilities in areas such as medical research, development of alternative fuels or global food supply. It is used to modify the characteristics of plants in order to increase the crop yield, improve defense against predators, pesticides or draught, but also increase concentrations of essential vitamins. However, with regards to food the use of genetic engineering is a fairly controversial issue.
  • Hemp - Sustainable raw meterial for an increasing number of industries

    Hemp is a versatile plant material that has gained increasing attention in recent years due to its numerous applications and industrial importance. Hemp is a variety of the cannabis sativa plant species and is known for its high levels of cannabidiol and low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol. Hemp has been used for centuries for a variety of purposes including fiber, food, and medicine. However, in the last three years, there has been a significant development in the use of hemp for industrial purposes such as building materials, biofuels, and textiles.
  • Mixer Mill MM 400: Upgrade of a True Multipurpose Mill

    With the Mixer Mill MM 400 RETSCH has developed a true multipurpose mill which covers a huge range of applications, including classic mixing and homogenization but also more complex tasks like cell disruption via bead beating or mechanochemical processes. The ease of use of mixer mills in general, combined with a wealth of accessories make the MM 400 the perfect choice for quick, safe and reproducible processing of small sample volumes.
  • Quick and reproducible grinding of feedstuff

    Grain, compound feeds or feed pellets occur in a variety of forms; compound feeds are usually inhomogeneous. Feedstuff is analyzed, for example, to determine the nutritional value, to detect hazardous substances or genetically modified ingredients. To ensure meaningful and reliable analysis results, representative and homogeneous samples are required. Therefore, sample preparation involves homogenization and size reduction of the material to a defined particle size. RETSCH laboratory mills are perfectly suited for this process.
  • Representative results require adequate sample preparation

    The following situation is typical for many production plants: After a routine quality check, the production process is stopped or an already produced batch is suspended, because the analysis results were not within the relevant critical values. But does the tested product really deviate from the specifications? It is often not the product itself which causes irregular analysis results but a lack of understanding of the steps which come before the analysis.
  • Reproducible Sample Homogenization of Cannabis and Related Products

    The concentrations of cannabinoids and terpenoids are the main points of interest in the quality control of cannabis and related products. To ensure reliable analytical results, the sample preparation process for cannabis needs to be adaptable to the considerable complexity of the various plant matrices.
  • Sample Division of Large Volumes

    Representative sampling of large sample volumes is an integral part of the physical and chemical analysis of bulk goods and has a decisive influence on the quality of the results. Extraction of a sample from the bulk is not always carried out in a way to ensure representativeness. This is a widespread flaw in the quality control process with a negative impact on the subsequent analysis results. RETSCH provides some convenient solutions which help to improve working conditions and thereby the quality of the sampling process.
  • Small-scale Production and Quality Control of Cannabis and Related Products

    In the rapidly expanding world of cannabis legalization and consumption, ensuring the highest standards of quality control is paramount for safeguarding public health and safety. As cannabis products become increasingly available to a growing global market, comprehensive quality control measures are indispensable to guarantee consistent potency, purity, and safety. In this article, we explore the role of laboratory mills in quality control and small scale production of cannabis and related products.
  • Sticky, tough, moist – cryogenic homogenization of food samples

    The homogenization of food samples is a crucial step prior to the actual analysis. Due to the various properties of food – dry, moist, sticky, tough, hard, soft, etc. – a versatile laboratory mill is required to ensure reproducible preparation of the analytical sample. RETSCH’s knife mill GRINDOMIX GM 200 is employed in laboratories all over the world for the homogenization of food samples as well as samples with a high water, oil, sugar or fat content. This mill covers a wide application range, from granular products like rape seed, rice, soybeans to fibrous or tough samples like meat, fish, candy, cheese or plants.

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